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  • Writer's picturehannabyman

24 October 2018

Hi! I just felt like writing, I just love to share my thoughts and there's no better place to do it than here on my new blog!

I recently started meditating, it's something a few of my friends have done for long, but I guess I've been a little afraid of starting in a way. Maybe not afraid, but it felt a bit wierd and I didn't think it would be for me since I always want to be up and running. But I have to say, I love it! It's difficult some days still, cause my brain can't always "relax", but as long as I get a few minutes those days I'm happy. I can't even say why I love it, but I totally recommend it to everyone I know.

On todays meditation (in the app I use from my roommates phone hah) they talked about loving the journey and being here and now. It's easy to say, but soo hard in practice. I'm really a person who's always looking forward to stuff, setting new goals and all of that. I find it super hard to be here and now FOR REAL. Especially in this business, and when I just started. There's so much I want to do and I really want to get out there and start working for real. I get so hyped when I see other people (famous actors) on set filming every day and I just wish I was there.

I'm probably going to look back at this time later in my life and realize that I should have enjoyed it instead of just trying to push forward all the time. My time will come, I know that, but I just want everything to happen now. I just have to realize that every time has it's on charm. The struggle right now will teach me a lot, and I have more free time now than I will probably ever have if it goes according to my plan. I really appriciate meeting all this people in the same struggle, trying to make it and basically chase their dreams. I've met more people that inspire me this year than probably all my life. People here don't feel ashamed of dreaming big, as we do back home in Sweden. People get together to try lift each other here, THAT is inspiring to me.

My conclusion is that I need to work more on learning to see the charm in every chapter of my life. I will get where I want, but everyone starts somewhere, and this is my start!

Pictures from last week when we shot a few scenes for a short in Beverly Hills. It's probably gonna turn out great and it was a lot of fun!!

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