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  • Writer's picturehannabyman

28 October 2018

Hello there! Sunday funday, and I'm having the most chill day ever. Been a little drained of energy the last two days, so I just really needed this day to recover and do what I want. I was on a powerwalk this morning, always the best way to start the day. Then I went to the gym for a back session, and then I spent 30 minutes on the crosstrainer while watching Greys anatomy. I havn't watched that serie since I don't know when, so it's so wierd to jump back in and have no clue who all the people are and their relationships, but we'll see if I keep watching! I kinda feel I need a new series to watch, so I'm gonna try an episode of the most watched seires on netflix and see if there's any one I start to like. I'm very picky!

I feel I've had a good weekend other than the energy problem. I've been working out, done two shows at the theatre and spent time with my roommate. It's wierd how I can't remember what I did two days ago?!.. Well I, or we (me, Andrew, Mackenzie and Allison) also shot a scene for the short we're doing, the part two! It was a lot of fun, and now we only have like 2-3 scenes before we're done with the second part!! It's so much fun and I love hanging out with these people!! We're also gonna do a part three, and probably another movie that we're going to submit to a festival later in november, SO hyped.

Now I'm gonna continue spending the day in my bed, haha. I'm also going to look for some new clothes, I need a few new pieces for my new business job I'm starting in January! Talk to you soooon.

From fridays show! Amazing people <3

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